Employee Benefits

Empowering Your Workforce with Comprehensive Solutions

At Fero Actuarial Consulting, our Employee Benefits practice area is dedicated to empowering your workforce with comprehensive solutions.

We understand the importance of designing benefit plans and retirement solutions that enhance the well-being and satisfaction of your employees while optimising costs.

Employee Benefits

Various Reporting Standards

Our team is empowered to perform Employee Benefits work in accordance with various Reporting Standards such as IAS19 (IFRS), GRAP 25 and others, ensuring that our services align with the specific reporting requirements relevant to your jurisdiction.

Examination, Reconciliation, and Validation of Employee Payroll Data

We gather, reconcile, and validate employee payroll data to ensure accuracy and completeness.

Actuarial Assumptions Engagement

We collaborate with our clients to agree on actuarial assumptions, customising them to your specific circumstances and requirements.

Actuarial Cost Calculations

Our experts calculate the actuarial cost of liabilities, expected costs for the following year, and conduct sensitivity analysis to provide you with a comprehensive view of your employee benefit obligations.

Conclusions and Recommendations

Mindful of your unique circumstances, we offer conclusions and recommendations that align with your business goals and employee welfare.

Employee-Wise Liability Breakdown

We provide a detailed, employee-wise breakdown of the liability in MS-Excel format, enhancing transparency and facilitating informed decision-making.

Empower Your Workforce

Our approach to employee benefits mirrors the industry's commitment to precision and compliance with reporting standards. We strive to provide actionable insights that enable you to make strategic decisions that benefit both your organisation and your employees.